+(40) 748.843.227 (0748.THECAR)

Terms and conditions


Contract – includes information from the following documents: Lease Agreement, Lease Terms and Conditions, Handover report receipt and all specifications in the Contract Annexes.

The vehicle – represents the vehicle offered for rent together with all accessories.

The Rate – represents the rate for a rental day (24 h) of the rented vehicle.

Fuel – can consist of gasoline or diesel, depending on the type of vehicle.

User – the person mentioned in the Contract, who can drive the rented car. The Rental Company has the right to select its customers and / or users/

Terms and conditions – presentation of the terms and conditions of booking and / or purchase a service from www.thecar.ro with any changes brought to implement, to implement under foreseeable conditions of sale.


PREAMBLE: The contractual clauses include informations from following documents: Lease Agreement, General Lease Conditions, Handover – receipt report, cost for damages and all specifications in the Annexes to the Contract.

These conditions are mandatory and must be observed in order to rent a car from the Owner.

The rates include VAT.



A.1. To offer the Client the right of use over the vehicle that is the object of the Contract by: delivery of the vehicle, completing and signing the Handover receipt, handing over the car keys and documents (registration certificate, RCA insurance policy) in original.

A.2. To provide the Client with roadside assistance, on the Romanian territory, for the entire duration of the contract, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in case of an accident or even a mechanical failure.

A.3. To replace the vehicle (subject to availability), in case of damage that cannot be remedied on the spot, if the damage is not the fault of the Customer, within 24 hours, depending on the location where the defect was found. If the damage is due to the Client’s fault, it will be requested to block a new guarantee for the delivery of a new vehicle.

A.4. If the Owner is unable to replace the vehicle, the Customer will be reimbursed the part of the cost of rent calculated in proportion to the length of time the vehicle could not be used, provided that it has already been paid, otherwise the Customer will only owe the value of the rent in proportion to the length of time the vehicle has been used.

A.5. The owner is not responsible for the losses incurred by the Customer in case of failure or damage to the vehicle.

A.6. From the time of the vehicle handover until its return to possession, the Owner is exonerated from liability for damages caused in traffic by the Customer, as well as road or bridge taxes or fines resulting from abusive occupation of a parking space, non-compliance of the road traffic laws of Romania, as well as for all and any costs generated as a result of the occurrence of any kind of damages resulted from the vehicle use by the customer..

A.7. By issuing the receipts for completing and canceling the pre-authorized deposits, the Owner relieves himself of the unavailability of the amounts from the Client’s account and recommends contacting and presenting the receipts to the bank from which the Client holds the card.



In case  of a reservation made by telephone, e-mail or through partners, the reservation can be canceled by the Owner, without owing anything to the Client or the intermediary, if the final Client does not meet the minimum mandatory rental requirements provided in the contract and published on the Owner’s website.

B.1. To be the holder of a valid national and / or international driving license (mandatory international license for documents issued in countries with other writing than in the Latin alphabet and for those obtained by driving on the right, Ex .: UK, India, Australia, Japan). When signing the Contract, the original driving license must be presented together with an identity document and a credit card. The use of the credit card is mandatory for locking the deposit. Pre-pay or debit cards are not accepted, as well as any other type of card, except those accepted by the Owner (the “Card”).

B.2. For drivers with experience between 0-1 years, a fee will be charged as follows: € 300 (three hundred) for classes A, B, C, D, D2, E, F inclusive and € 500 (five hundred) for classes F1, G2 , G1, G, GP, L, L1, P0, 0, P1, V, V0, V2, V3, X inclusive. For drivers with experience between 1-3 years will be charged a fee of 100 (one hundred) € for classes A, B, C, D, D2, E, F including and 300 (three hundred) € for classes F1, G2, G1, G, GP, L, L1, P0, 0, P1, V, V0, V2, V3, X inclusive. The fee applies per rental, regardless of its duration. If there are additional drivers in the same conditions, with experience between 0-1 years, respectively 1-3 years, the fee will be collected only once.

B.3. In case of confirmed reservations, the Owner reserves the right to cancel them in case the Client delays the lifting of the vehicle by more than 3 hours compared to the time established by mutual agreement.

B.4. To allow the driving of the vehicle only to the persons authorized by the Owner and mentioned in the Contract, or to the representatives of the Owner.

B.5. The fee for additional drivers will be 30 (thirty) € / user. By registering them in the Contract, they accept the fact that they must meet the rental conditions of the Owner.

B6. Do not drive the vehicle outside the road surfaces, on unpaved roads, unpaved, closed to public traffic. Otherwise, the Owner will collect the value of the repair, regardless of the type of guarantee chosen by the client (including in the case of SCDW / SCDW + tax), from the guarantee or will debit the Client Card presented at the signing of the contract, with prior notice.

B.7. Techincal or aesthetic interventions on the vehicle without the written consent of the Owner is strictly prohibited.

B.8. To notify the Owner, at its request, regarding the place where the vehicle is located and to allow the examination of the vehicle by the Owner’s representatives, within maximum 24 hours from his request.

B.9. Not to use the vehicle for taxi, driving school, pushing or towing activities, racing, training, competitions, in order to transport dangerous substances or illegal activities, which may damage the condition of the vehicle, as well as not to give it any other destination, other than people transport. If the rented vehicle is seized or destroyed / damaged by the authorities or the Customer, following its use to obtain undue benefits (for example: transport of prohibited objects or substances) the Customer is responsible for the entire value of the vehicle.

B.10. Pets (eg dogs, cats) can be transported in the Owner’s vehicles only in special boxes (cages, bags), closed during the trip. Otherwise, the same conditions mentioned in point C.10 shall apply.

B.11. For non-compliance with the provisions regarding the Client’s obligations – provided in Chapter B (except point B.1 – in which case the Owner has the right to unilaterally cancel the reservation without refund in case of advance payment) the security deposit is fully collected (including SCDW fees) .

B.12. The customer has the obligation to keep the vehicle in proper condition throughout the contractual period and to hand over the vehicle in the same condition as received. In case of any damage caused to the vehicle during the contractual period, (for example damage caused by hitting animals or damage by unknown author) The customer has the obligation to bear the costs of all repairs necessary to restore the vehicle to its existing condition on receipt.



C.1. The delivery and return of the vehicle will be made at the place, date and time established by the Client together with the Owner and mentioned in the reservation form and Contract.

C.2. Delivery and pick up of the car outside business hours (Mon-Fri 09:00 -18: 00) can be done at the request of the Client. In this case an additional fee of € 20 (twenty) will be charged per takeover / delivery.

C.3. The return of the vehicle in another place than the one where it was delivered is made only with the consent of the Owner and an additional dislocation fee will be charged, between 30 (thirty) € and 250 (two hundred and fifty) €. If the Customer requests the return of the vehicle in another location after taking over the car, he will inform the Owner in writing or by calling the non-stop support phone number +(40) 748.843.227. The Owner will have to agree to this contractual change, and the Client will pay the additional dislocation fee mentioned above, which will be communicated in writing by the Owner, by SMS or e-mail. The collection of the tax will be made upon the return of the vehicle from the guarantee, cash or on the basis of the Card presented by the Client upon signing the Contract.

C.4. When the vehicle is returned over the deadline according to the contract, an additional fee of 20 (twenty) € / hour will be charged, agreed by contract. If the Client delays the delivery of the vehicle without the consent of the Owner, the latter has the right to regain possession of the vehicle at the expense and risk of the Customer.

C.5. The refund is effective at the time of signing the Handover – receipt by the Owner and Customer.

C.6. For vehicles returned outside the opening hours (weekend and / or night) or in weather conditions that prevent the car from being checked, the Client’s responsibility for possible damages and respectively the unlocking of the guarantees by 24 hours from the actual return of the vehicle is extended.

C.7. Abandonment by the Customer of the vehicle without notifying the Owner in writing or by calling the non-stop support telephone number +(40) 748.843.227, without handing over the key to a representative of the Owner and without signing the bilateral handover receipt will hold the Client liable for all costs related to the relocation of the vehicle in the location established with the Owner at the date of concluding the Contract, and other costs related to restoring the vehicle to its original condition if the vehicle is taken over in other conditions than those handed over. The same conditions are valid in case the Client refuses to hand over the vehicle.

C.8. The customer has the obligation to return the vehicle with the same amount of fuel that he had at the beginning of the rental period (according to the handover-receipt report). Otherwise, following the written notification from the Owner, the Customer agrees to pay a refueling fee of 20 (twenty) € and the equivalent value of the missing fuel, according to the fiscal supply receipt. No credit is granted for fuel addition.

C.9. Upon delivery of the vehicle to the Customer, the cleaning status of the vehicle will be specified, both inside and outside, and he will sign the Handover recepit containing these mentions. If, upon return, the vehicle requires more than the standard washing procedure to return it to its pre-rental condition, the Customer agrees to pay an administration fee of 50 (fifty) € to which will be added the value of car wash services, according to the invoice that will be sent to him by e-mail.

C.10. The parking fees during the takeover-delivery of the vehicle, in another location than the one mentioned at the date of concluding the Contract, as well as the parking for the entire period of use of the rented vehicle from the Owner revert entirely to the Client. It will bear, together with the cost of parking, all taxes provided by the legislation, both in Romania and in other states, road taxes, tolls, bridges, parking fees at airports or special spaces with limited duration, fines due to non-compliance with traffic rules. In case of non-payment of the above, the Owner will pay the fines resulting from the non-fulfillment of the obligations by the Client. The owner will invoice to the client the actual value of the fine plus an administration fee of 50 (fifty) € / fine.

C.11. The supply by the Customer of the vehicle rented from the Owner, with a fuel other than the one indicated by the manufacturer (noted in the registration certificate and on the Handover Report) entails the Customer’s obligation to pay a service fee of 50 (fifty). ) €, the cost of transport with the platform, the cost related to the days of immobilization in service, the repair cost according to the repair estimate, as well as the corresponding refueling (including the Clients who opted for SCDW / SCDW +).

C.12. Rentals outside Romania require the written consent of the Owner and are subject to special conditions. There is a limit of km / day (km traveled both in the country and abroad) and for exceeding the km limit a fee per km will be charged. In order to obtain the documents necessary for the transit of the borders, a fee of 50 (fifty) € will be charged (exception: a fee of 100 (one hundred) € will be charged for Turkey). The tariff for rentals leaving the country will be 75 € / day higher than the normal rental rate

C.13. The security deposit for leaving the country is a minimum of € 1,000 (maximum) and a maximum of € 5,000.

C.14. Travel outside the borders is allowed only on the territory of the European Union and the European Economic Area. In case this obligation is violated, in the event of damage or theft, the Customer will be responsible for the full value of the vehicle.

C.15. In case of defects and / or road events, occurring outside the borders of the country, the Client has the obligation, according to the Contract, to return the vehicle inside the borders of Romania fully bearing the costs.

C.16. The owner rents together with the vehicle a series of accessories consisting of child seat, according to the following rates:

  • Child seat, 3 € / day;

C.17. In case of loss or damage of keys, original documents or car accessories, in case of loss of parking token or loss of registration plates by the Customer, the Owner will collect from him, the value of damaged / lost objects at the price of the purchase invoice of each accessory, or to the amount of the fine that the Client must pay, to which is added an administration fee of 120 (one hundred and twenty) €.

C.18. The owner cannot be held responsible for any objects forgotten in the vehicle by the Customer and not identified when handing over the vehicle.

C.19. Smoking in the car is strictly forbidden. In case of non-compliance, an administration fee of € 120 (one hundred and twenty ) will be charged, to which will be added the value of the car wash services.



D.1. The vehicle has concluded the RCA insurance policy, according to the law.

D.2. The customer opts to sign the Contract for one of the following warranties and fees for its reduction: Collision Damage Waiver (CDW), Theft Protection (TP), included in the tariff.

D.2.1. Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) is a deductible for damages (liability), also called a Warranty for damages that can vary between € 500 (five hundred) and € 3,000 (one third) depending on the vehicle class specified in the Contract signed by the parties. The mandatory deposit guarantee is submitted at the signing of the Contract, will be blocked by the Owner on the Card and will be returned to the Client upon return of the vehicle (except for the cases provided in point 4.4.).

D.2.2. Theft protection (TP) represents a protection against theft which has the role of limiting the Client’s liability for the costs generated by the theft or attempted theft of the rented vehicle, within the limit of the guarantee related to the class established in the Contract. The protection against theft does not cover the personal belongings of the Client.

D.3. If the Client or one of the users mentioned in the Contract is between 18 and 25 years old, or over 70 years old, a double guarantee is charged.

D.4. In case of opting for CDW, the guarantee (deductible) for damages is invoiced by the Client’s Owner in the following conditions:

a) damages (accidents) caused to the rented vehicle, ascertained by the competent Police bodies, as the Client’s fault or with unknown author (includes the situation in which the vehicle is found hit or vandalized in the parking lot);

b) theft of the rented vehicle;

c) as well as in case of any other exclusion from the insurance policies and of the claims table part of the terms and conditions.



E.1. Regardless of the fee paid for the reduction of the guarantee chosen by the Client, he becomes responsible for the repair and payment of collateral damages in the following situations:

  • non-compliance with the obligations provided in Chapter B;
  • missing fuel, in the amount of 20 (twenty) € representing the refueling tax + the related fiscal receipt;
  • loss of car documents / key / accessories 150 (one hundred and fifty) € (art. 3.18);
  • damage to the passenger compartment (for example: excessive soiling, staining of seats or damage to them);
  • damage / loss of the options offered for rent (for example: GPS, child seat, etc.);
  • damage to the lower part of the vehicle (representing the elements under the car: shield, drum, oil bath, etc.);
  • incorrect fueling of the vehicle;
  • damage to the rims or tires;
  • partial or total damage caused as a result of smoking inside the car and / or while it is close to flammable environments.



F.1. The client pays in full, upon signing the Contract, the rent (the car and the options it rents), the fee for reducing the warranty (if he opted for) and any additional fees established by the Handover-Delivery receipt.

F.2. The invoicing in RON is made at the BCR exchange rate on the day of signing the Contract.

F.3. Payment for rent can be made by credit card, debit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express).

F.4. The rates do not include: fuel costs, tolls except for the road sticker for Romania which is included in the rental tariff, fines received for violating traffic rules on public roads or costs resulting from the actions of Local Authorities in relation to the vehicle that is the object of this Contract, during the rental. The full payment of these amounts will be borne by the Client.

F.5. The Client must pay the total financial obligations remaining, according to the Contract, at the moment of handing over the vehicle, based on the payment document issued by the Owner.

F.6. Any amount not paid by the Client to the Owner at the end of the Contract, as well as other amounts arising later (cost of extension of the rental period, fines, penalties, taxes, etc.) or costs of repairs of the vehicle due to damages during the contract period according to art. B.11, can be collected by the Owner from the Client’s Card, with prior written notification. Any value collected in the absence of the Client, with his consent by signing the present conditions, is finalized with the transmission from the Owner of an email containing the receipts corresponding to the collection.

F.7. In case of late payment, over the term stipulated in the Contract, penalties in the amount of 1% are charged, out of the amount due, for each day of delay.

F.8. In case of unilateral termination of the contract, from the Client, before the established contractual period, the value of the services will not be refunded. The Owner, as a commercial gesture towards his Client, will offer him the value of the remaining services through a voucher valid for 12 months, which the Client will be able to use when renting a new vehicle from the Owner’s network, within the availability of the requested vehicle.

F.9. The guarantee provided in art. 4, shall be returned at the end of the contractual period, within a maximum period of 30 days from the date of signing the Handover Delivery receipt by the Owner and Client. The owner is not responsible for delays in the return of the guarantee caused by external factors such as delays of banking institutions, etc.


In order to make an online booking, the Client must fill the order form with his data and follow the instructions on the site. The company does not assume any responsibility in case the Client erroneously completes (out of ignorance, inattention, etc.) the fields through which he requests an online booking. Failure to follow the instructions may prevent the reservation from concluding the Contract.

The customer selects the desired vehicle by selecting it from the available ones, but until the written confirmation of the Company the vehicle will not be guaranteed. The contract is considered concluded at the moment of receiving a confirmation by the Client from the Company, by e-mail of the confirmation, but only after the contracted services have benn payed (by card, or by bank transfer).

Payment for the chosen service / vehicle is made using the address www.thecar.ro/cart/ to which the Customer will be transferred directly after placing the order, according to the conditions mentioned in the terms and conditions of the respective payment services of the site of the web.

The customer can pay for the desired service / vehicle exclusively using the payment options available through the www.thecar.ro platform.

The payment resulting from a single order will be made once, in full and will cover the value of all services and the value of the rental cost of the vehicle. In addition, the Customer has the option to pay only a 20% of the total value.

The prices displayed on www.thecar.ro after the order is accepted are gross amounts that include the VAT calculated in accordance with the regulations in place.

After the payment is made, the Customer will receive an email confirming the final purchase from The Car. The email from The Car will include a ORDER NUMBER which will be communicated, at the time of pickup, to OWNER’s representative.

F10.1 Termination of the contract

To the extent that the Client has concluded the Contract online and paid online the value of the services, he has the possibility to unilaterally terminate the Contract, within 3 (three) calendar days from the date of concluding the Contract, without invoking any reason and without incurring other costs, provided that he has not benefited from the contracted services. To the extent that he benefited from the contracted services, the value of the services will not be refunded.

In case the Client decides to withdraw from the Contract, he will be able to fill in online the cancellation form that can be found at www.thecar.ro/cancellation situation in which the Company, in case the Client does not has benefited from the contracted service, will return the value of the services within 7 calendar days in the account from which the payment was made or in another account, expressly issued by the Client in the cancellation form.



G.1. The Client has the obligation to immediately notify the Owner of any new damage discovered to the rented vehicle.

G.2. If the damage has an unknown author, the Client has the obligation to obtain, before returning the car, the Repair Authorization from the Police Department.

G.3. If the accident occurred through the Client’s fault and 2 cars were involved, he has the following obligations:

G.3.1. Completing the amicable form if the 2 drivers admit their guilt;

G.3.2. Presentation to the Owner of the Repair Authorization obtained from the Police Department in case the two drivers do not agree amicably.

G4. If the accident did not occur due to the Client’s fault and 2 cars were involved, he has the following obligations:

G.4.1. Completing the amicable finding form if the 2 drivers admit their guilt, copy of the guilty RCA (insurance), copy of the guilty Registration Certificate, copy of the guilty CI, copy of the guilty driving license;

G.4.2. If the two drivers do not get along amicably, the following will be required: guilty RCA copy, Repair Authorization obtained from the Police Department.

G.5. If more than 2 cars were involved in the accident or the accident resulted in bodily injuries, the Client has the obligation to contact the Police Department in order to obtain the Repair Authorization.

G.6. In case of an accident in which an animal was hit, the Client has the obligation to notify the Police Department as soon as the accident occurred and to obtain the Repair Authorization from the Police Department.

G.7. In all the cases described above, the Client has the obligation to verify the correct completion of both the amicable finding and the Repair Authorization issued by the Police Department.

G.8. In case of non-compliance with the procedure in case of damage, the Client is responsible for the entire value of the repairs, immobilization costs and costs generated by the non-use of the vehicle.



H.1. The terms of the extension, termination or early termination of the Contract can only be established with the consent of the Owner.

H.2. The Client’s intention to extend the Contract is communicated to the Owner, at least 24 hours before the expiration of the Contract. The agreed rate is paid in the same conditions in which the initial contract was concluded, within a maximum of 24 hours from the beginning of the extension period. The contract may be extended by written agreement of both parties.

H.3. The contract terminates by right at the end of the rental period.

H.4. The contract may terminate before the deadline by agreement of the parties or as a result of termination.

H.5. In case of termination of the Contract, the Owner notifies the Client by telephone, fax or email.

H.6. Both in case of termination of the Contract before term and in case of termination, the Client has the obligation to hand over the vehicle within 12 hours from the moment of termination.



I.1. The Client is rightly delayed for all obligations assumed in the Contract and not respected as such on time.

I.2. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement will be settled amicably first and only in case of failure, the parties will address the competent courts in Bucharest.

I.3. For any dispute, this Agreement constitutes proof.


J. Data Operator

We consider the protection of the information regarding the Clients of our website (visitors, potential clients, clients, hereinafter referred to as Clients) as a matter of the utmost importance, so we make every effort for you to feel safe when you provide us with your personal.

This Privacy Policy explains the rules and purpose of processing your personal data, your rights and responsibilities as a personal data controller and applies to visitors, potential customers and customers of this website, if personal data is collected by the website.

The terms used in this document have the same meaning as in the Terms and Conditions on the website, which is completed.

This Privacy Policy may be improved at any time and / or this document may be updated.

By browsing the website and / or by creating an Account and / or by placing an Order and / or placing an order regarding our services, the Visitor, User, Potential Customer, Customer are informed of our Privacy Policy as attested of this document.


The following persons are involved in the processing of your Personal Data:

Data operator: OLC Premier Services SRL, headquartered in Sita Buzăului Village, Sita Buzăului Commune, Nr. 243, ROOM 1, Covasna County, registered at the Trade Register under no. J14 / 212/2018, having CUI: 15553173 (“The Company”).


J.2. Purpose of processing personal data

We may process personal data in order to properly execute the contracts concluded through the site www.thecar.ro (called in this document the website). This means that the data are needed in particular for:

– website registration;

– Contract;

– Order processing, validating and invoicing them;

– the exercise by the Client of any right he has as a consumer;

– Giving up the contracted services;

– Reimbursement of the value of the contracted services according to the legal provisions and according to the provisions of the Contract (General Rental Conditions);

– If you have decided to receive information about new products and special offers, we process your data in order to send you commercial information, such as: expansion of the available car fleet, additional services, special offers, discount coupons, campaigns promotion, etc .;


J.3. Type of personal data processed:

We process the following personal data, which is necessary for you:

Register on the Website:

– Name and surname;

– Email Address

To conclude the Contract on the website:

– Name and surname

– Gender (by choosing between the politeness formulas ‘Mr’ or ‘Mrs’)

– ID card series and number and / or passport number and number;

– Driving license series;

– The delivery address of the Vehicle;

– Phone number

– Email Address

Data provided by the Customer (optional):

– Date of birth

– CIF – if a trader requests an invoice

If you terminate a contract or a complaint is brought to our attention and your amounts are repaid directly to your bank account, we will also process your bank account number so that we can make the refund.


J.4. Legal basis for processing

Personal data are processed in accordance with Regulation no. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the European Commission (EU) of 27 April 2016.

We process your data based on the consent expressed at the time of registration on the website and at the time of confirmation of transactions made on the website.

Your consent to the processing of your personal data is voluntary. However, if you refuse to give your consent, it will become impossible for you to register and contract the services available on the website through the website.

You  have the following rights:

  • Withdraw your consent at any time without giving any reason. The request may be for a specific purpose of processing, for example, you withdraw your consent to receive commercial information, or it may be for all purposes of processing. If your consent is withdrawn for all purposes of processing, your Customer Account on the website will be deleted and your data will no longer be processed by us, unless the processing is based on another basis, such as : the need to perform a pre-contract or contract to which you are a party, the need for us to comply with a legal obligation; a legitimate interest invoked by us. Withdrawal of consent will not affect any previous activity.
  • You can request the deletion of your data at any time, without giving any reason. A request to delete the data will not affect the activities performed before it. Deleting data means that we will delete your Client Account from the website and that your data will no longer be processed by us from the moment of deleting the Account.
  • You may at any time object to the processing of data relating to all or only part of the purposes of the processing. This opposition shall not affect any activity carried out prior to that time. Opposition means that we will delete your Customer Account from the website and that your data will no longer be processed by us once the Account is deleted.
  • You can request a restriction on data processing in terms of duration or purpose of processing. We will proceed as you wish. This request will not affect any activity performed prior to that time and we will retain the data only for the purpose of storage and for the establishment, exercise or defense of a legal claim.
  • If your personal data is inaccurate or incomplete, you can at any time request the correction or rectification of your personal data without undue delay. You can also do this yourself, as soon as you register / log in to the website using the MY ACCOUNT section on the website.
  • If certain conditions are met, you may request that we transfer any of your data in our possession to yourself (in a structured, commonly used and automatically readable format) or to another party of your choice. For this purpose, you will contact us through the contact form, indicating the name and address of the entity to which you request the transfer and the purpose – respectively which of your data to be transferred. The transfer will take place automatically electronically as soon as you confirm the request. We need confirmation of the request in order to ensure data security and to convince ourselves that the request comes from an authorized person.
  • You can ask us at any time to confirm whether or not we process your personal data, and if so, to give you access to this data and to provide you with information and details regarding the processing of your personal data, such as: the data processed, the purpose of the processing, the recipients to whom the data were or are to be disclosed, the storage period (whenever possible).
  • In the case of a decision based only on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects on your person, you have the right to obtain human intervention, to express your point of view, to receive an explanation for the automatic decision and to to challenge that decision.
  • You have the right to address a complaint to the data processing supervisory authority. This supervisory authority is the NATIONAL AUTHORITY FOR THE SUPERVISION OF PERSONAL DATA PROCESSING.


The rights set out above may be exercised in certain circumstances or may be subject to certain conditions, exclusions or exceptions as specified in the applicable data protection legislation.

We are obliged to inform you no later than one month after receiving each such request about the actions we have taken on its basis.


J.5. Duration of data retention and protection

We retain your personal data until your Customer Account is deleted. Your Customer Account may be deleted both at your request, but also as a result of the withdrawal of consent to data processing, your objection to data processing and in the event of a request for data deletion, and to the extent that you have chosen to conclude a Contract without registering an Account, until the date on which the Contract will terminate according to its provisions, situation in which the only stored personal data being those exclusively necessary to conclude the transaction, these being kept in accordance with legal provisions depending on the type of personal data .

Our systems will be limited to retaining such archival information about your transactions to which data retention is linked or in connection with legal provisions that are binding on us.

We are committed to ensuring the security of personal data by implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures, according to industry standards.

We use the services of the Netopia Payments payment processor to make payments. Any payment information is encrypted using HTTPS technology with TSL 1.2 encryption.

Despite the measures taken to protect your personal data, we warn you that the transmission of information via the Internet, in general, or through other public networks, is not completely secure, there is a risk that the data may be seen and used by third parties or unauthorized parties. We cannot be held responsible for such vulnerabilities in systems that are beyond our control


J.6. Communication regarding personal data

You can send us any notifications or requests regarding personal data by using one of the following options, of your choice:

E-mail to: contact@thecar.ro

Telephone: +(40) 748.843.227

Contact form on the Website

By mail to: Aviator Jean Texier, Nr. 3 Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania


J.7. Entrusting data processing

We may entrust the processing of your personal data to our contractual partners to the extent necessary to make transactions, make online payments through the website, or provide you with commercial information (this only if you are a User who has agreed to receive commercial information).

Personal data will not be communicated in any case to third parties other than for the purposes mentioned in this Privacy Policy; this also means that they will not be shared with other entities for the transmission by these third parties of marketing materials / commercial information.

Customers’ personal data will not be transferred outside the European Union.


J.8. Commercial Information – Newsletter and SMS

You can subscribe to our newsletter by providing your email address and consent to the processing of personal data in order to receive commercial and marketing information by email or text message (SMS). We use the newsletter to inform you by email or text message (SMS) about the latest offers (for example: new vehicles in the fleet, special offers, etc.). You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by using the link included in the newsletter received by email or by sending an e-mail to: office@thecar.ro


J.9. Notifications regarding the availability of a product / service

At your request we notify you by electronic means of communication about the availability of a selected product / service. Such notification may only be sent to you if you have agreed to receive, at the specified e-mail address, commercial information about the products / services on the website and your personal data will be processed by us. You provide us with your data voluntarily, but your refusal to consent to the processing of personal data prevents us from notifying you of the availability of the product / service.


J.10. Cookies

The website uses cookies. Cookies are small files that allow devices used for web browsing (for example: computer, smartphone) to save specific information about the activity on the Website when that device is used. The information stored in cookies is used, for example, for advertising or statistical purposes and to adapt the Website to your specific needs. You can change your cookie settings in the browser. If the settings remain unchanged, the cookies will be saved on the device. Changing cookie settings may limit the functionality of the Website.

J.11. These Terms and Conditions are made available free of charge using the Site www.thecar.ro, which allows the download and printing of the Terms and Conditions.


About this Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy explains what cookies are and how we use them. You should read this policy so you can understand what type of cookies we use, the information we collect using cookies and how that information is used.

This Policy also tells you what your rights are in relation to the personal data you give to us. If you have any questions about this Cookie Policy please contact us.


What are cookies?

Cookies are little text files which are stored on the browser or hard drive of your computer or mobile device when you visit a webpage or application. Cookies work to make your experience browsing our site as smooth as possible and they remember your preferences so you don’t have to insert your details again and again.

There are different types of cookies. Some cookies come directly from our website and others come from third parties which place cookies on our site.

Cookies can be stored for varying lengths of time on your browser or device. Session cookies are deleted from your computer or device when you close your web-browser. Persistent cookies will remain stored on your computer or device until deleted or until they reach their expiry date.

We are 4 varieties of cookies which operate on our website:

1. The essentials
Some cookies are essential for you to be able to experience the full functionality of our site.

2. The customisers

These cookies (also called functional cookies) allow our site to remember your preferences, helping you to customise your experience on our site.

3. The performance improvers

These cookies tell us about how you use the site and they help us to make it better. For example these cookies count the number of visitors to our website and see how visitors move around when they are using it. This helps us to improve the way our site works, for example, by ensuring that users find what they are looking for easily.

4. The targeters

These cookies (also called advertising cookies) are used to deliver advertised content which is relevant to you and they can be used to track the effectiveness of our ad campaigns on third party websites. These cookies are placed on our site by our third party service providers and they may remember your web browsing activity and may be used to understand about your demographics, such as age and gender. Only anonymised information is captured and used and the purpose is to provide you with content which is relevant to you.

How do we use cookies?
We use cookies to enhance your browsing experience by:
• Recognising when you log in and any preferred settings.
• Giving you a browsing experience that is unique to you and to serve you content which we believe improves your site experience
• Analysing how your use our site which helps us to troubleshoot any problems and to monitor our own performance.

What type of cookies do we use?

Here are some examples of the main cookies on our site, what they do and how you can alter your settings to stop cookies.

These cookies are essentials and customisers. They allow you to navigate our site, log-in, add products to your basket, set the language settings, display the correct page for the device you are using, verify your details when you make an order and they allow us to process payment for an order.

How do you change cookie preferences or block cookies?

Within your browser you can choose whether you wish to accept cookies or not. Different browsers make different controls available to you. Generally, your browser will offer you the choice to accept, refuse or delete cookies at all times, or those from providers that website owners use i.e. third party cookies, or those from specific websites. Each browser’s website should contain instructions on how you can do this.

For further information please refer to:https://www.aboutcookies.org/how-to-delete-cookies/

If you block cookies on our website, you may be unable to access certain areas of our website and certain functions and pages will not work in the usual way.


Cookie key
Expiry date
Name of component / Cookie type
Manage PHP sessions.
When session is closed.
__cfduid / _biz_flagsA / _biz_nA / _biz_pendingA / _biz_sid / _biz_uid /
The “__cfduid” cookie is set by the CloudFlare service to identify trusted web traffic.
5 years
This cookie is set when the user accepts cookies.
Cookiecontroller / operational
_ga / _gid / _gat_gtag /  AMP_TOKEN / _gac_*
Google Analytics tracking cookies.
540 days
Third party/ Marketing
Google Adwords
Stores cookies for Google Remarketing purposes. We might not set up this cookies.
540 days
Third party / marketing / approval by the client
Google Dynamic Remarketing
Stores cookies for Google Remarketing purposes. We might not set up this cookies.
540 days
Third party / marketing / approval by the client
Google Conversion Tag
Monitoring conversions and reservations.
540 days
Third party / marketing / approval by the client
Records a unique ID that identifies the returned user’s device. The ID is used for targeted ads.
6 months
HTTP Cookie


Changes to the Cookie Policy

We may update this Policy from time to time. If we make significant changes we will let you know but please regularly check this Policy to ensure you are aware of the most updated version.

This Cookie Policy was last updated on 15 July 2020.

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